Background Reading for Physics and Philosophy

Before the list, a quick word of advice for those considering applying to do physics and philosophy at Oxford. It is natural to worry that the admissions process will test how much you know about philosophy and that this is why you should read around the subject. This is a mistake! You are not expected to display this kind of knowledge, either on your personal statement or in interview. Instead, admissions tutors want to find out whether you have a genuine interest in the subject and whether you have the intellectual aptitude to thrive on the course.

So why read some of these books? Precisely in order to find out (for yourself!) whether you do have such an interest. Do you find the combination of physics and philosophy fascinating? Do you have the kind of mind that enjoys uncovering the hidden assumptions and conceptual foundations of the subject?

Philosophy of Physics

Philosophy of space and time

Philosophy of quantum mechanics

Philosophy and Physics

General Philosophy of Science